The word electric vehicles, makes us imagine about cars, motorcycles and bicycles. But Onewheel(American brand) comes to show that there are more alternatives than these, and is presented as an electric skateboard of one giant wheel with an engine and a steering system for balance, will take you to walk around the city. Yes, the skateboard with one wheel in the middle powered by a battery.
Silicon Valley does not cease to amaze creating strange inventions that later become products of daily use throughout the world. Always with the same enthusiasm for innovation, in recent years the companies of the valley have devoted a little to the vehicles of the future, and especially to the electric ones. Ecological and especially efficient, these electric vehicles contain a package of advanced technology, making autonomy, comfort and portability something more important than the speed so sought after in petrol/diesel vehicles. Among the latest inventions is not a car or a motorcycle, but a kind of skate of a wheel on which the user will have to balance while moving towards the chosen course. It's called OneWheel and it seems as fun as it is useful.
Starting in May, the sidewalks
and streets may have a new advanced tenant to join the electric scooters,
obviously not in India. OneWheel Pint is the new
electric skateboard model that will hit the markets in May at a price that is
arguably affordable.
First take a look at this official video of Onewheel Pint, then we'll discuss about the technical specifications:
OneWheel Pint: Specifications
The new OneWheel Pint is a
skateboard that highlights the generous size of its single wheel and with the
help of which you can drive at a speed of up to 25 km/h during the 10 to 13
kilometers of autonomy that the new version gives us. There is therefore no
need to think of it other than as a complementary mode of displacement. Without
belts, straps, or any grappling device, the Onewheel Pint is as safe as a
conventional skate, but learning how to use it should not take so long because
you do not have to "kick" on the floor to advance, which sometimes
means having to work on balance and stability.
This personal vehicle can
accelerate to 25 km/h by simply tilting it forward with your foot. If instead
you tilt it backward (or right or left, depending on the direction you want to
take), the vehicle will slow down and start a reverse after a few seconds. At
the level of use, the most interesting thing about this OneWheel Pint is the
Simplestop mode for novices, created for a simpler stop with a single gesture
backwards and in which the accelerometers that maintain balance are
automatically deactivated.
Battery and weight:
The regenerative braking
recharges the battery during deceleration, so you will have a good autonomy also with your 48V
lithium battery. Onewheel is based on what is called "carving on
pavement", a technique very similar to surfing a wave, but using a DC
motor with 500W of power. It works using a flat surface of the pavement and in
this way you can maneuver up to 360º to this strange skate that weighs 11kg.
Length and other things:
The new skateboard is compact and
manageable. It measures less than 70 cm in length and has a removable magnetic
handle that facilitates its transport. Another curious novelty is the indicated
LED on its surface, valid both to inform the environment of our presence and to
know, for example, the state of the battery.
Reservations can be made right
now, to start receiving the first units from next May. Despite the price
reduction with respect to the superior model, the label continues to indicate
that it is an exclusive product: 950 dollars.